Space Exploration & Astronomy Links
The NASA Home Page:
The National Aeronautics and Space Administration site
Kennedy Space Center:
America's Gateway to the Universe -- Leading the World in Preparing and Launching Missions around the Earth and Beyond
Office of Space Flight:
Welcome to the Future of Space Flight
NASA Human Spaceflight:
Current Information on Humans in Space
International Space Station:
All about the International Space Station, Includes RealTime Station Data
- Terra Earth Observing System:
An international study to monitor climate and environmental change on Earth that is comprised of satellites specially designed to study global change; an advanced computer network for processing, storing, and distributing data (called EOSDIS); and teams of scientists all over the world who will study the data
Space Station Mir:
All about the Russian Space Station
Johnson Space Center:
Information from the Space Center in Houston
"Contact Light"/Project Apollo Archive:
A Retrospective of Project Apollo by Kipp Teague
Jack Horkheimer: Star Gazer:
The World's First and Only Weekly TV Series on Naked-eye Astronomy
Universe Today:
Space Exploration News from Around the Internet
The Apollo Saturn Reference Page:
Photo-reference and technical information on the Saturn V, Saturn Ib, Apollo Spacecraft and Launch Complex 39
The Space Images Archive:
Every Photo Including the Sun
Students for the Exploration and Development of Space:
Educating people about the benefits of space, supporting a network of interested students, providing an opportunity for members to develop leadership skills, and inspiring people through involvement in space-related projects
A scientific experiment that uses Internet-connected computers in the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI), You can participate by running a free program that downloads and analyzes radio telescope data
The Planetary Society:
Encourages all nations to explore other worlds, provides public information and supports educational activities about the exploration of the solar system and the search for extraterrestrial life, supports and funds innovative and novel research and development projects that can seed future projects of planetary exploration
The Artemis Project:
A private venture to establish a permanent, self-supporting community on the Moon.
Starry Night:
Leading Astronomy Software
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